Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New Art Book!

I love art books...and add to my collection whenever possible! Nita LeLand who is one of my favorite art authors has a new (well revised, but new to me) book that is just coming out: New Creative Artist I can't wait to get my copy. You can read more about it on Nita's site here. I think I might have to save mine for my mid-winter slump.. when I need all the creative help I can get.

If you have a favorite art book, please share!

1 comment:

  1. I have a copy on order too, and I also have a well worn copy of Nita's older version. I love this book!

    One of my favorite art books is actually a series. The "Splash" series is a group of books featuring some of the best current watercolorists. Looking through them is like going to an art exhibit, and I always find something to inspire me.



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