Thursday, July 26, 2012

Painting the Stairs Part 4

Where were we?
Yes, back to painting the stairs.

One coat of primer, two coats of porch paint.  
Painted all the trim before the second coat.
Then corner molding for each step. 

Going down the stairs, they all seems to blend together.  So for safety, I decided to add some strips.
I used a Martha Stewart specialty paint called Terra Cotta.  It has sand mixed in it so it gives a little added traction.

It was a pain to measure and tape those stripes!  I used a sponge to apply the paint for the strips.

After I used the terra cotta paint, I then added a thin layer of glow in the dark paint. 
It gave an unintentional marbled effect that I really like AND it GLOWS IN THE DARK.  Way cool!
I tried to get a photo of the glowing stairs, but my camera phone isn't up to that.

 This is pulling the tape off.  I let it dry a few hours, but no completely.  Then, I used a hair dryer to soften the paint a bit before pulling up the tape.  I used a low tack tape on the outer edge and it did great!  The center tape is just plain old painters tape and it did pull up the paint in a few spots.

  Yes, it is a necessary part of the process to step on the giant ball of painted tape at the bottom of the stairs.  It won't turn out right if you skip this step.

AND all done!
Okay, all done except the quarter molding...need to practice on the 
miter saw before I attempt those little corners.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Painting the Stairs Part 3

So, after spackling, sanding, priming, re-spackling, re-sanding, it's finally time for the top coat:
Once again, paint every other step.
The papers mark the dry steps.

It was at this point in the project that I lost freakin' my mind.
I think it was the paint fumes. Yea..or maybe that carpet marble dust..

I decided to do the hallway, while I was doing the stairs.  
So, I ripped up the hallway carpet. And the evil hallway carpet strips. And the evil hallway staples.

more evil carpet strips!

See the little dots?  those are the evil hallway staples.
spackle then sand again

At this point..I had the brilliant idea of painting the walls in the hallway and stairwell.  Definitely paint fumes.
And then I had the idea of painting the inside of the linen closet. I mean, when else do you get to paint and not worry about spilling anything on the floor.

Chief really wanted to help.
prime, spackle, sand again

After all those side projects...paint the floor.
This is porch paint in Martha Stewart's Sequoia.  
It looks like melted chocolate.
The walls are Martha Stewart's Lunch Bag. 
The trim is just plain old white.

Painting the Stairs- Part 2

After ripping up the carpet, and the padding, and the evil carpet strips, and evil staples, I then spackled all the nooks and crannies I could find.  I used this cool stuff that was pink when you put on, and then dries white.   I like pink in general, so I figured this must be a good product. Right?

The painter's putty is for big holes, the drydex is for little holes (it's the pink stuff.)

After that was done, I was ready to sand down the stairs. I used a small electric sander.  This WILL leave a fine layer of sawdust over your entire house.  Close all doorways, cover the furniture, cover all possible openings with plastic.  Don't forget any vents, or it will get into your AC and clog it up. I forgot. My poor AC. The filter covered and being suck up into the great beyond of the attic, it was just plain scary.

Get some goggles (like you had in science class) and a good dust mask.  You will look like this:
Chief is not amused. He did not appreciate being stuck in the office for most of the day.

After sanding, clean the stairs.  Vacuum, and wipe everything down with a damp rag. Then vacuum again, and mop.  After all the cleaning, comes priming.  I used a primer called Glidden Gripper Primer. You need a good primer.  There are builders marks and stains on the wood.  It will seep through the paint if you don't prime.  It was recommended to us by a professional handyman that painted the trim on our house this spring.  It did a great job. I used white for the risers and a grey primer for the treads. 

It's a good idea to paint ever other step, so you can still use them while your are working on them. Use yellow sticky notes or just pieces of paper to mark the dry stairs

At this point, I kind of liked the grey!  It didn't go with anything else in our house or I might have left it that color.

After the primer is dry, spackle all the spots you missed the first time.  You can just hand sand this layer. Then, once again, vacuum and wipe down with a damp rag.

Painting the Stairs - Part 1

before and after:

This is not really a "tutorial", this is more just my experience.

I hated the carpet on my stairs and upstairs hallway.  Hated it.  It was builder's beige carpet that had been through 12 years of red clay, dogs, cats, spills and drips.  It was gross.  So, after getting spousal approval, and spending way to much time on pinterested drooling over painted stair photos and tutorials, I decided to rip out the carpet and paint! Woohoo!  This is going to be EASY! no sweat!  take me a couple of days tops!  That's what all the bloggers said.  Sat there on their newly painted, gorgeous steps, big smile on their faces, and said "This is an easy project."    And I, in my starry eyed hope for non-disgusting stairs, believed them.  *sigh*  I don't know.  Maybe they had slaves, or home improvement elves?

Here are the before photos.  I really should have gotten a close up of the grossness:

I started in on ripping up the carpet.  You need a pair of pliers and a good pair of work gloves.  There are evil carpet strips that live under your carpet waiting to attack anything that disturbs their peace. Gloves are a must.  Probably, you should wear a mask if you any kind of dust allergy. I removed the carpet, the carpet strips, the 1,897 staples, and then vacuumed each step as I went.

  There was a bunch of brownish stuff under the carpet, which I thought was dirt.  Of course, I immediately googled "dirt under carpet" to see if everyone's carpet was that dirty underneath or if we were just special.  Turns out, it's not dirt.  Or at least, not all dirt. In order to give the carpet stability and make it more fire retardant, the backing of the carpet is coated with a mixture of glue, marble dust, and some other stuff.  During use, the marble dust slowly comes loose and ends up on the floor under the carpet. So, I didn't feel as dirty then, but I did run to Home Depot and grab a couple of masks.

Ripping up the carpet:
padding and carpet strips

my helpers from top to bottom:
Emp, Diva, Chief, and Annabelle

Using a chisel (upside down) was the best method I found for getting up the strips. 
If I had been staining the floor, I might have been gentler.  
All the carpet off. 

The next morning, my right hand had swollen up from pulling up all the evil staples.  I took a day off to ice it and whine about the dangers of home decorating. After that I wore a very attractive wrist stabilizer for the next few days.  But I was determined to carry on!   Part 2 coming up next.